
Our Collaboration With Habitat

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If you’ve been keeping up with everything that’s happening over here at Topology HQ, you’ll probably know that we embarked on an exciting collaboration with household favourite, Habitat. We’ve been keeping it a secret for so long and are so excited to tell you all about it. Therefore, in this post, we’ll be telling you all about our #SmallSpaceLiving Habitat furniture installation happened. Plus we’ll give you full access to the behind the scene details. It all began last October after some light email exchange…

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Yep, Habitat asked US to collaborate. We were shocked! When you work 7 days a week and make countless social sacrifices to make your start-up business a reality, something like this makes it feel like it’s all worth it. So what happened next..? 


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Slide across the images above to see how we planned our design with mood boards. We knew that we wanted to go dark, so we thought up a scheme of dark blues, forest greens and walnut woods. Then we topped this off with pops of yellow, some signature Habitat furniture and brassy tones.  

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Months passed and there was lots of fine tuning, email exchanges and excitement. And then we were given our install date – January! We met up on Tottenham Court Road and brought it all to life with the seriously with-bearing and friendly Habitat staff. After about 4 hours of moving furniture and running round the store picking up cushions, vases and lights etc, we were finished. The end result was better than we could have hoped for and we were thrilled to bits.  Now on to the interviews, photo shoot and house tour…

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We rocked up at a 8am, coffees in hand, before the store opened to film our video for Habitat’s website. In the video (you can watch it on our sidebar) we explain our top small space living hacks. Did you know that if you watch the video you’ll be able to answer the question for our competition? If you enter, you could win a £500 voucher and free room design from us! To enter click on the link at the end of this post.

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The lovely Georgia Burns photographed our shoot and as ever she did an amazing job shooting the Habitat furniture. Once all the photos were taken, it was time for the launch! It all went live in early Feb, including Athina’s house tour, which you can view hereThis marked the start of a month long collaboration. We’re already half way through and we’ve had an amazing experience and not to mention some amazing press. A big thanks to the likes of  Refinery29, House Beautiful, Evening Standard and Absolutely London.

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With less than two weeks to go before our installation comes to a close, we can safely say it’s been a wonderful experience working with Habitat and we dream they hope to work with us in the future…

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For competitons, our Habitat furniture top picks, Athina’s house tour, tips and more, visit www.habitat.co.uk/smallspaceliving. If you like any of the pictures, pin them below.  

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